Eco Friendly Fencing Options

At Jim’s Fencing, we are passionate about innovation. This means that we offer the latest fencing technology, including eco friendly fencing options.

Find out what features make a fence environmentally friendly, sustainable and how you can play your part with some eco friendly fencing.

Environmental Fencing Ideas

What is eco friendly fencing?

Sustainable fencing has as little impact on the environment as possible. The level of impact can be reduced by using sustainable materials (this might mean using recycled materials or materials that can be fully recycled) or by using materials that have minimal pollution or emissions created during manufacturing.

Which fences are good for the environment?

Colorbond Fencing

Even though it looks sturdy, an affordable fence like Colorbond is actually eco friendly. Colorbond fencing looks a million dollars, with little cost to the environment.

Colorbond steel is 100% recyclable. This means that when your fence has reached the end of its lifetime, it won’t go into landfill.

Thanks to continuous improvements made by BlueScope Steel (the manufacturer), Colorbond becomes more environmentally sustainable as the years progress. According to BlueScope’s sustainability manager, Richard Rowe, Colorbond steel is “still 100% recyclable and manufactured by a responsible steelmaker, BlueScope, with the benefit of being more environmentally sustainable than its predecessor.”

The manufacture of Colorbond steel also involves zero chemical waste.

This type of fence requires minimal maintenance and comes with a 10-year warranty. The reduced need for maintenance means that less resources will be used to look after this fence.

Modular Walls

Modular Walls are made out of fibre cement skins laminated to an EPS core. The posts are made out of steel. The Modular Walls manufacturing process is sustainable and environmentally friendly.

These fences are recyclable and by improving their manufacturing processes, the company have reduced emitted and embodied CO2 by up to 80%.

Modular Walls come with a 15-year warranty and require little to no maintenance. This means that less recourses will be used for the maintenance of your fence.

Recycled Materials

One of the other great ways to create eco friendly fencing is by using recycled materials. Give your materials a new life without contributing to wasteful manufacturing processes.

You can ask your fencing contractor to source some recycled timber (or bricks, or whatever material you have in mind).

There will most likely be some added labour involved in creating a recycled fence. The fence material will need to be treated, and in some cases restored, to make it suitable for the outdoors.

There are plenty of suppliers who provide recycled timber posts, but you will need to talk to them to get an idea of the impact and emissions associated with their business.

Contact Jim’s Fencing Today

There are many more eco friendly fencing options available now. If you’d like to discuss your potential fencing materials, get in touch with Jim’s Fencing for a consultation.

We will connect you with your local contractor who can talk you through your sustainable choices.

Call 131 546 now or fill in the online form for a free quote.



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